This is the complete list of members for ServoEasing, including all inherited members.
_setTrimMicrosecondsOrUnits(int aTrimMicrosecondsOrUnits, bool aDoWrite=false) | ServoEasing | |
_writeMicrosecondsOrUnits(int aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond) | ServoEasing | |
areInterruptsActive() | ServoEasing | static |
attach(int aPin) | ServoEasing | |
attach(int aPin, int aInitialDegreeOrMicrosecond) | ServoEasing | |
attach(int aPin, int aMicrosecondsForServo0Degree, int aMicrosecondsForServo180Degree) | ServoEasing | |
attach(int aPin, int aInitialDegreeOrMicrosecond, int aMicrosecondsForServo0Degree, int aMicrosecondsForServo180Degree) | ServoEasing | |
attach(int aPin, int aMicrosecondsForServoLowDegree, int aMicrosecondsForServoHighDegree, int aServoLowDegree, int aServoHighDegree) | ServoEasing | |
attach(int aPin, int aInitialDegreeOrMicrosecond, int aMicrosecondsForServoLowDegree, int aMicrosecondsForServoHighDegree, int aServoLowDegree, int aServoHighDegree) | ServoEasing | |
attachWithTrim(int aPin, int aTrimDegreeOrMicrosecond, int aInitialDegreeOrMicrosecond) | ServoEasing | |
attachWithTrim(int aPin, int aTrimDegreeOrMicrosecond, int aInitialDegreeOrMicrosecond, int aMicrosecondsForServo0Degree, int aMicrosecondsForServo180Degree) | ServoEasing | |
attachWithTrim(int aPin, int aTrimDegreeOrMicrosecond, int aInitialDegreeOrMicrosecond, int aMicrosecondsForServoLowDegree, int aMicrosecondsForServoHighDegree, int aServoLowDegree, int aServoHighDegree) | ServoEasing | |
BackEaseIn(float aPercentageOfCompletion) | ServoEasing | static |
callEasingFunction(float aPercentageOfCompletion) | ServoEasing | |
CircularEaseIn(float aPercentageOfCompletion) | ServoEasing | static |
CubicEaseIn(float aPercentageOfCompletion) | ServoEasing | static |
DegreeOrMicrosecondToMicrosecondsOrUnits(int aDegreeOrMicrosecond) | ServoEasing | |
DegreeOrMicrosecondToMicrosecondsOrUnits(float aDegreeOrMicrosecond) | ServoEasing | |
DegreeToMicrosecondsOrUnitsWithTrimAndReverse(int aDegree) | ServoEasing | |
detach() | ServoEasing | |
EaseOutBounce(float aPercentageOfCompletion) | ServoEasing | static |
easeTo(int aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond) | ServoEasing | |
easeTo(int aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond, uint_fast16_t aDegreesPerSecond) | ServoEasing | |
easeTo(float aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond) | ServoEasing | |
easeTo(float aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond, uint_fast16_t aDegreesPerSecond) | ServoEasing | |
easeToD(int aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond, uint_fast16_t aMillisForMove) | ServoEasing | |
easeToD(float aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond, uint_fast16_t aMillisForMove) | ServoEasing | |
ElasticEaseIn(float aPercentageOfCompletion) | ServoEasing | static |
getCurrentAngle() | ServoEasing | |
getCurrentMicroseconds() | ServoEasing | |
getDeltaMicrosecondsOrUnits() | ServoEasing | |
getEasingType() | ServoEasing | |
getEndMicrosecondsOrUnits() | ServoEasing | |
getEndMicrosecondsOrUnitsWithTrim() | ServoEasing | |
getMillisForCompleteMove() | ServoEasing | |
getSpeed() | ServoEasing | |
InitializeAndCheckI2CConnection(Stream *aSerial) | ServoEasing | |
isMoving() | ServoEasing | |
isMovingAndCallYield() __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by isMoving(). Often better to use areInterruptsActive() instead."))) | ServoEasing | |
LinearWithQuadraticBounce(float aPercentageOfCompletion) | ServoEasing | |
mCurrentMicrosecondsOrUnits | ServoEasing | |
mDeltaMicrosecondsOrUnits | ServoEasing | |
mEasingType | ServoEasing | |
mEndMicrosecondsOrUnits | ServoEasing | |
MicrosecondsOrUnitsToDegree(int aMicrosecondsOrUnits) | ServoEasing | |
MicrosecondsOrUnitsToMicroseconds(int aMicrosecondsOrUnits) | ServoEasing | |
MicrosecondsToDegree(int aMicroseconds) | ServoEasing | |
mMaxMicrosecondsOrUnits | ServoEasing | |
mMillisAtStartMove | ServoEasing | |
mMillisAtStopMove | ServoEasing | |
mMillisForCompleteMove | ServoEasing | |
mMinMicrosecondsOrUnits | ServoEasing | |
mOperateServoReverse | ServoEasing | |
mServo0DegreeMicrosecondsOrUnits | ServoEasing | |
mServo180DegreeMicrosecondsOrUnits | ServoEasing | |
mServoIndex | ServoEasing | |
mServoIsPaused | ServoEasing | |
mServoMoves | ServoEasing | |
mServoPin | ServoEasing | |
mSpeed | ServoEasing | |
mStartMicrosecondsOrUnits | ServoEasing | |
mTrimMicrosecondsOrUnits | ServoEasing | |
mUserEaseInFunction | ServoEasing | |
noMovement(uint_fast16_t aMillisToWait) | ServoEasing | |
pause() | ServoEasing | |
print(Print *aSerial, bool doExtendedOutput=true) | ServoEasing | |
printDynamic(Print *aSerial, bool doExtendedOutput=true) | ServoEasing | |
printEasingType(Print *aSerial, uint_fast8_t aEasingType) | ServoEasing | static |
printStatic(Print *aSerial) | ServoEasing | |
QuadraticEaseIn(float aPercentageOfCompletion) | ServoEasing | static |
QuarticEaseIn(float aPercentageOfCompletion) | ServoEasing | static |
registerUserEaseInFunction(float(*aUserEaseInFunction)(float aPercentageOfCompletion, void *aUserDataPointer), void *aUserDataPointer=NULL) | ServoEasing | |
resumeWithInterrupts() | ServoEasing | |
resumeWithoutInterrupts() | ServoEasing | |
ServoEasing() | ServoEasing | |
ServoEasingArray | ServoEasing | static |
ServoEasingNextPositionArray | ServoEasing | static |
setEaseTo(int aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond) | ServoEasing | |
setEaseTo(int aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond, uint_fast16_t aDegreesPerSecond) | ServoEasing | |
setEaseTo(float aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond) | ServoEasing | |
setEaseTo(float aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond, uint_fast16_t aDegreesPerSecond) | ServoEasing | |
setEaseToD(int aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond, uint_fast16_t aDegreesPerSecond) | ServoEasing | |
setEaseToD(float aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond, uint_fast16_t aDegreesPerSecond) | ServoEasing | |
setEasingType(uint_fast8_t aEasingType) | ServoEasing | |
setMaxConstraint(int aMaxDegreeOrMicrosecond) | ServoEasing | |
setMinConstraint(int aMinDegreeOrMicrosecond) | ServoEasing | |
setMinMaxConstraint(int aMinDegreeOrMicrosecond, int aMaxDegreeOrMicrosecond) | ServoEasing | |
setReverseOperation(bool aOperateServoReverse) | ServoEasing | |
setSpeed(uint_fast16_t aDegreesPerSecond) | ServoEasing | |
setTargetPositionReachedHandler(void(*aTargetPositionReachedHandler)(ServoEasing *)) | ServoEasing | |
setTrim(int aTrimDegreeOrMicrosecond, bool aDoWrite=false) | ServoEasing | |
setUserDataPointer(void *aUserDataPointer) | ServoEasing | |
SineEaseIn(float aPercentageOfCompletion) | ServoEasing | static |
sInterruptsAreActive | ServoEasing | static |
sServoArrayMaxIndex | ServoEasing | static |
startEaseTo(int aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond) | ServoEasing | |
startEaseTo(int aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond, uint_fast16_t aDegreesPerSecond, bool aStartUpdateByInterrupt=START_UPDATE_BY_INTERRUPT) | ServoEasing | |
startEaseTo(float aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond) | ServoEasing | |
startEaseTo(float aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond, uint_fast16_t aDegreesPerSecond, bool aStartUpdateByInterrupt=START_UPDATE_BY_INTERRUPT) | ServoEasing | |
startEaseToD(int aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond, uint_fast16_t aMillisForMove, bool aStartUpdateByInterrupt=START_UPDATE_BY_INTERRUPT) | ServoEasing | |
startEaseToD(float aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond, uint_fast16_t aMillisForMove, bool aStartUpdateByInterrupt=START_UPDATE_BY_INTERRUPT) | ServoEasing | |
stop() | ServoEasing | |
synchronizeServosAndStartInterrupt(bool doUpdateByInterrupt) | ServoEasing | |
TargetPositionReachedHandler | ServoEasing | |
update() | ServoEasing | |
UserDataPointer | ServoEasing | |
write(int aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond) | ServoEasing | |
write(float aTargetDegreeOrMicrosecond) | ServoEasing |